Tuesday, October 16, 2007

brey's, barnstorm and back

By whatever freak glitch in the system, I was lucky enough to attend the Eddie Adams workshop this year. The green team rocked. You can see all ten teams' multimedia presentations online. Our theme was Generational Farms. Neil's multimedia is great. I was assigned to Brey's egg farm -- a third generation farm in Jeffersonville, NY. A set with my favorites is up on flickr.


Tim Hussin said...

looks like you guys had a great time...love the photos. i wish i could've been there with you guys...

Jeremiah Wilson said...

man it looks like it was beautiful up there - nice work, i love that foto with the guy's floating head - friggin sweet - you gotta come to gville and share your mythical eddie adams adventure.

Jason Henry said...

things that make me go oooooooooooo. (your blog)