Wednesday, February 4, 2009


"Seeing is Forgetting
the Name of the
Thing One Sees"

The title of a book about Robert Irwin,
the installation american artist.
[via Exposure Compensation]


Things on this side of productivity alternate between cloudy and clarity. A conversation with Dr. Stan today helped, but I just really need to have this conversation with myself.

I've long been a reader of [former Ohio grad student] Tim Gruber's blog and couldn't believe that I missed this post when Josh e-mailed it to me following one of our conver-sessions.

1 comment:

Tim Gruber said...

Hey Andreita,

I'm happy to have stumbled across your blog. I'm excited to follow your journey through your essay class this quarter. I see some great images already. Love the mascot one and the little girl vacuuming her room. Speaks so elegantly to the idea of community. Well done and keep up the great work.