Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Gobles

New Marshfield, OH.

I met the Goble family [nine kids, product of four marriages between the two parents] through my Glouster friends Paul and Kathy. They were telling me about how they wanted to get their family portrait taken but were fearing what size chunk that would take out of their increasingly-shrinking budget. I offered to come to their house and practice my kiddie-wrangling and umbrella-light-rigging skills. They kept asking me how much I wanted to get paid for my work as I continued to reassure them that this was more fun and practice for me. I'm glad I got to meet and spend time with this sweet bunch of folks.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

windows in glouster

Sometimes you're inside, sometimes you're outside.

another fun ohio winter

Things go up and they go down. This season is good at reminding me of the true pace of the universe. While I was in Florida, things got stagnant for me, not because living near the ocean and under the sun are un-stimulating, but because I haven't been tried in the ways I have been since I moved to a place where seasons change. I realize I'm being vague, but after sitting at a desk with my elbows pressed on the tabletop and my fingers pressing my eyeballs all day today, these kinds of vagueties feel like I'm squeezing the release valve on an overblown beach ball.

update: my car, she still runs!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


"Seeing is Forgetting
the Name of the
Thing One Sees"

The title of a book about Robert Irwin,
the installation american artist.
[via Exposure Compensation]


Things on this side of productivity alternate between cloudy and clarity. A conversation with Dr. Stan today helped, but I just really need to have this conversation with myself.

I've long been a reader of [former Ohio grad student] Tim Gruber's blog and couldn't believe that I missed this post when Josh e-mailed it to me following one of our conver-sessions.